Collection: Soaps

If you have longed for a soap that you can trust is made with pure, all-natural, chemical-free ingredients, Castile would be at the the top of the list. Castile soap represents one of the best natural and biodegradable soaps that can be manufactured by hand.

Castile soap is not only a great soap for washing your body and hair as part of a natural skin care routine, but you can do the laundry with it — plus, it can safely be used by children. Castile soap is also very popular among vegans and vegetarians since it’s plant-based. Also, it doesn’t lose potency with time and is often seen in the form of liquid Castile soap or pure Castile soap as a bar.

Speaking of potency, a study shows that Castile positively affected contaminated orthopedic wounds when used to irrigate and ultimately cleanse the wounds. A comparison was made using normal saline, Castile soap, benzalkonium chloride, bacitracin or sequential irrigation with all of the above combined. While sequential irrigation treatment significantly lowered the rate of wound complications when applied, so did Castile soap all by itself!